The last day of 2014 we decided to go for a hike. Originally, we had a quite serious plan - to climb the highest peak in our area - Choč. But temperatures deep below zero and stories of those, who tried it the day before, scared most of our crew, so we settled on much easier plan - The Liptov castle (or better to say what has left of it - ruins). We started in the village called Kalameny, where I almost fainted when I saw the beauty of a local hot spring. The beauty of it was made mostly because everything around was covered in snow, I can imagine without it can look pretty much desperate. But with all the snow, it looked like from a fairytale. The hike up to the castle was fast, the cold was bearable and the sun was shining. Choč, our inicial destination, was standing right in front of us bathing in the sun light and I had a feeling, that there was no better day to go there. Later we have heard, that it was not that friendly as it seemed up there, too much ice so even the rescuers were needed. We enjoyed hot tea and home made christmas pastries on the top, had a look around to absorb the beauty and started to descent. We chose the other side, which was not a clever idea as we realized, but at least it was more adventurous. We made it to the spring with some effort and couple of falls. I was ready to jump in, bu t have not find any other partners in crime again... so we returned later on with our bathing suits. it was a great end of the year!
Posledný deň roka 2014 sme sa vybrali na túru. Pôvodne sme mali celkom seriózny plán - vyliezť na Choč. Avšak teploty hlboko pod nulou a poplašné správy tých, ktorí to skúšali deň pred nami, vystrašili väčšinu posádky a tak sme si zvolili cieľ podstatne ľahší - Liptovský Hrad. Vyrazili sme s dediny Kalameny kde som skoro omdlela nad krásnym prírodným termálnym prameňom. Krásu mu asi dodával sneh na okolitých stromoch, verím že za teplejšieho počasie to môže byť celkom neútešné miesto. Takto ale vyzeralo ako z rozprávky. Cesta hore prebehla bez ťažkostí, chlad bol znesiteľný a slniečko svietilo. Choč, náš pôvodný cieľ, stál priamo pred nami zaliaty slnkom a ja som mala pocit, že krajší deň na jeho dobytie už ani nebude. Ale neskôr sme sa dozvedeli, že až taký prívetivý ako vyzeral v ten deň nebol a šmýkalo sa tak, že zasahovali aj záchranári. My sme si na vrchole vychutnali teplý čaj a koláče, rozhliadli sa po tej kráse na okolo a vydali sa na ústup. Opačnou stranou, čo sa neukázalo ako najlepší nápad, ale aspoň to bolo dobrodružnejšie. Prebíjali sme sa pomedzi popadané kmene stromov, niektorí padali. V zdraví sme to dobojovali až dole k prameňu. Bola som odhodlaná ho hneď okúsiť, ale opäť som nenašla parťákov a tak sme sa tam vrátili až navečer, aj s plavkami. Bol to ale nádherne zakončený rok!