štvrtok 2. decembra 2010

DIY heartshaped collage

I found it on some blog, but originally it is from Warren Heeath photography via here

So this is an image that striked me long time ago. So when me and my boyfriend had a 1 year anniversary, I decided to make something similar from our photo memories of that year. I wish we also have such a white bedroom to hang it there....

I started with developing all the nice pictures of us, because as most of you, I store mine mostly in computer... Sorry for the quality, but it was late evening when I took them...

I cut out a heart shape from 2 theatre posters attached together. Then I arrange the photos on it, and started to stick them on the paper one by one. It took over me one hour...

And here is the final result. Still do not have the right spot for it. If I find it, I will show you a picture... Have a great white weekend!

2 komentáre:

Mike and Luba povedal(a)...

Radus, ja si len predstavujem ako sa rozhodujes ktoru fotku kam dat.. to muselo byt tazke:))
ale vyzera to super!!!

tonbogirl povedal(a)...

wow, super! :-)