piatok 30. marca 2012

5 for friday from Iceland -invitation to an exhibition

Because this week I have been busy working on this film festival, instead of posting 5 new photos for friday, let me just invite you to come to Aupark to see my small photo exhibition from Iceland there. We are there until Sunday night and the programme is definitely one you should not miss! Come to get an out-of-daily-life inspiration! Have a great weekend!

Pretože tento týždeň makám na tomto festivale, namiesto piatich nových fotiek vás tentokrát len pozvem do Auparku na moju minivýstavu z Islandu. Sme tam do nedele večera a program rozhodne stojí za to! Príďte načerpať inšpiráciu na únik z každodennosti. Majte krásny víkend!

utorok 27. marca 2012

Spring maternity shoot

I have great memories from shooting my good friends - parents to be. The weather was beautiful  and the cherry tree was a perfect spot. This has been almost a year ago, and little Ninka will be one in May!

piatok 23. marca 2012

5 for friday from Iceland

 Maybe you find this picture above boring, but it has a story. It is a view from a holy mountain called  Helgafell. This holy mountain is a small, 73 meters high hill (see the picture below). According to a legend, the mountain has a magic power and those, who climb up and keep to some rules, may have three wishes and those will come true. You have to climb up  the southwest side to the ruins, you can not talk and neither look back. You have to wish only for good things and your heart must be honest. You have to climb down the east side to the grave of Gudrun and you can never tell your wishes to anyone. So we did it, we silently climbed the hill, never looked back and climbed down to the grave of Gudrun. So we will see what happens.  But even if I want, I can not tell you what I wished for, because I do not remember it anymore.
The other photos are just shots taken from car, a shipwrack and a smiling sun.

Možno sa vám tento obrázok hore zdá nezaujímavý, ale nie je to úplne tak. Je to výhľad zo svätej hory Helgafell. Svätá hora je v skutočnosti len 73 -metrový kopec (viď fotka pod textom). Podľa miestnych povestí má hora tajomnú moc a tým, ktorí na ňu vystúpia a dodržia pravidlá,  sa splnia tri tajné priania. Musíte sa tam však vyšplhať po juhozápadnom svahu k zrúcanine, nemôžete hovoriť ani sa obzerať naspäť. Musíte si priať len dobré veci a srdce musí byť úprimné. Zliezť musíte po východnomm svahu ku hrobu Gudrun a svoje priania nesmiete nikomu prezradiť. A tak sme to urobili, mlčky sa vyškriabali na kopec, neobzerali sa späť a zišli dole k hrobu Gudrun. Tak uvidíme, i keď aj keby som chcela, moje priania si už nepamätám.
Ostatné fotky sú cvaky z auta, stroskotaná loď a usmiate slniečko.

piatok 16. marca 2012

5 for friday from Iceland

As soon as I noticed this mountain on a horizon, I was amazed and could not wait to get closer to it. It has a perfect shape and looks like a green  pyramid! I looked it in the travel guide immediately, it is called Kirkjufell. It´s a pity that weather wasn´t that great, could be a different story on a bright sunny day. We made a quick stop to take a photo and rushed away.
I learned before, that the typical islandic speciality is meat from a carious (is this the right word for that?) shark called hákarl. I know, it doesn´t sound apetizing, but you should always try local specialities if you are able to. I read about the farm, where they prepare this meat, but I didn´t know we will be passing by. Of course, when I saw this shark statue, we couldn´t miss the opportunity. We drove long long way in eternity, and at the end we found a  house, not different from any other. Except there was a huge dead shark in the carriage in front of the house. Inside there was a museum full of stuff connected to this yummy food. there were shark skins, fishing boat, harpoons, different stuffed sea animals and so on. There were also containers with hákarl pieces. This speciality is eaten with dark bread. It smells like ammonia or some kind of strong cleanser, but it is not that bad. Shark meat is placed in a shallow hole and covered with sand for several weeks or months and then it dries outside, hanging in pieces at roof covered bars little up the hill from the museum. If you happened to be around, definitely don't miss it!

Akonáhle som na obzore uvidela túto horu, bola som okúzlená a nevedela som sa dočkať, kedy prídeme bližšie. Má perfektný tvar, je ako zelená pyramída! Hneď som si ju našla v sprievodcovi, volá sa Kirkjufell. Škoda že počasie bolo také "vyblité", môže to byť nádhera v slnečný deň. Urobili sme si pri nej len kratučkú zastávku na fotku a šli sme ďalej.
Už predtým sme boli poučení, že za islandskú špecialitu sa považuje mäso z hnilého žraloka - hákarl. Viem, neznie to dvakrát chutne, ale špeciality treba ochutnať vždy keď sa to čo i len trochu dá. Dočítala som sa aj o farme kde túto špecialitku pripravujú, ale akosi mi uniklo že pôjdeme okolo. Samozrejme keď sme po ceste uvideli tohto žraloka, už sme si túto príležitosť nemohli nechať ujsť. Dlho dlho sme šli nicotou a potom sme dorazili k domu, ktorý vyzeral celkom obyčajne. Až na to, že vo voze pred domom ležal obrovský mŕtvy žralok. Dnu nás čakalo múzeum všetkého možného, čo bolo späté s touto pochúťkou. Čiže žraločie kože, rybárska loď, harpúny, všelijaké vypreparované morské živočíchy a podobne. Takisto aj nádobky na ochutnávku. Táto dobrôtka sa je s tmavým sladkým chlebom. Smrdí to síce ako amoniak alebo nejaký čistiaci prostriedok, ale vôbec to nie je nejedlé.  Žraločie mäso sa nechá hniť asi tak pol roka v zemi a potom sa suší zavesené vonku v zastrešených  búdach, ktoré sú povyše múzea. Ak pôjdete okolo, určite si to nenechajte ujsť!

piatok 9. marca 2012

5 for friday from Iceland

We didn´t even leave Arnarstapi and we had to stop, because we noticed a strange stone monument far away at the end of a plateau. It is called Lóndrangar. So we walked to it to see it closer. It´s actually two basalt pillars, the higher one reaching 75 meters. They are right above the sea, so wind over there is blowing like crazy.

Few kilometers further we stopped again. This place is called Dritvík and Djúpalón. Here you can find a beach with beautifully round shaped lava stones. Four of them of different sizes are used for testing your strenght. The smalleste is called Bungler and weights 23 kg, the biggest is called Full strenght and weights 154 kg. Besides this, there is a bay, where in 1948 a British ship was wrecked, and all around the shore there are red coloured - rusted pieces of the ship. They are kept here as a memento and you should not take them with you as a souvenir.

And again few kilometers further and some detour you run into a Golden beach. The sand (or better to say tiny stones) are golden coloured. You feel the urge to take of your clothes and run to the sea and completely forget that you are in Iceland.
Ani sme poriadne neopustili Arnarstapi a hneď sme museli zastaviť, lebo na konci veľkej planiny sa týčil zvláštny kamenný útvar (Lóndrangar). Vybrali sme sa ho obzrieť zbízka. Sú to dva kamenné, čadičové stĺpy, ten vyšší čnie až do výšky 75 metrov. Sú priamo nad morom takže tam fučí ako divé.

O pár kilometrov ďalej sme stáli opäť. Toto miesto sa nazýva Dritvík a Djúpalón. Nájdete tu pláž s krásne guľatými lávovými balvanmi. Dokonca sú tu aj štyri rôznej veľkosti, na ktorých si môžete otestovať svoju silu. Najmenší váži 23 kg a volá sa "Nepotrebný", a najväčší má 154 kg a volá sa "plná sila". Okrem toho je tu aj zátoka, kde v roku 1948 stroskotala britská loď a po celom pobreží nájdete hrdzou zafarbené kusy, ktoré sa tu uchovávajú ako memento a nemali by ste si ich brať ako suveníry.

No a ešte o pá kilometrov ďalej a istej zachádzke narazíte na tzv. Zlatú pláž. Piesok (respektíve malé kamienky) sú zafarbené do zlata. Máte chuť sa vyzliecť do plaviek a skočiť do mora, úplne zabudnete že ste na Islande.

piatok 2. marca 2012

5 for friday from Iceland

Some more pics from Arnarstapi next morning. I love this place! Notice the small figure on the third picture at the edge of the hole.

Niekoľko daľších fotiek z Arnarstapi z druhého dňa. Milujem to miesto! Všimnite si tú malú postavičku na tretej fotke pri okraji  diery.