I can hardly believe it´s mid -august already! Just few days left and the summer will be over, so it is time to recap.
I can not complain about my summer this year! It had everything you want from a great summer!
At the end of June, before the high season started, me and my girls went for a prolonged weekend to an croatian island Krk. We actually did nothing these days. We laid on the beach, swam, ate and drank. And that was it! The Baška town wasn´t overcrowded with tourists yet, the sea was refreshing, coffee was good and sun was shining. It was my first time there, so I did a little bit of exploring too (the town is not big and there is just few streets worth a walk, so you have plenty of time for laying on the beach).
A great start of the summer!
Neverím, že už je takmer polka augusta! Pár dní a leto bude za nami, takže najvyšší čas na rekapituláciu!
Tento rok sa nemám na čo sťažovať. Leto bolo so všetkým, čo k nemu patrí.
Ešte na konci júna, pred začiatkom sezóny, sme s babami vyrazili na predĺžený víkend na ostrov Krk. V podstate sme nerobili nič, len ležali, plávali, jedli a pili. A celkom to stačilo. Baška nebola ešte preplnená turistami, voda bola svieža, káva dobrá, slnko svietilo. Bola som tam prvý krát, takže som mestečko aj dôkladne prebádala (nie je veľké, len pár uličiek stojí za prechádzku, takže máte kopu času na vylihovanie pri mori). Skvelý štart leta!
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