I guess I should really move on and finish this summer series, since we have November now and I should be posting about Christmas soon :-). So lets go: I spent couple more days with my sis in
hotel Salamandra , a family friendly resort near Banská Štiavnica. Their food is one of the best and I always come home few pounds heavier - I just can not help myself!
We also invited my father and her mother to spend some time with us. The weather was just perfect. There is a lake (or better to say an artificial water reservoir), in this area called tajch, right in front of the hotel. There is nothing better than swimming in the lake surrounded by mountains!
Nearby mine town Banská Štiavnica is one of the nicest places in Slovakia, I would say it is a must to see if you happen to be around. The hills around it are just an icing on the cake. It is a perfect area for hiking, biking, swimming, and in the winter, you have a ski slope right next door to the hotel. I could spend here much more time...but then I would roll to Bratislava I guess :-)
Nuž hádam by som sa mala pohnúť a ukončiť túto letnú sériu. Už je november a asi by som mala začať písať pomaly o Vianociach :-). Takže poďme na to:
Ďalších pár dní som strávila so svojou segrou v hoteli Salamandra, v takpovediac rodinnom rezorte neďaleko Štiavnice (Je to skôr v Hodruši, ale Štiavnica znie atraktívnejšie :-) ). Ich jedlo je skvelé a tak vždy prídem domov s pár kilami navyše :-).
Prizvali sme aj môjho tatu a jej mamu, aby s nami strávili pár chvíľ. Počasie bolo perfektné. Hneď pred hotelom je tajch a nie je nič lepšie ako sa vykúpať v obklopení hôr!
Blízke banské mesto - Banská Štiavnica - je jedno z najkrajších miest na Slovensku, ak sa ocitnete v jeho okolí, treba ísť. A tie kopčeky naokolo, to je len čerešnička na torte. Táto oblasť je perfektná na turistiku, bicyklovanie, plávanie, a v zime máte zjazdovku rovno pri hoteli! Vedela by som tu stráviť veľa času...ale potom by som sa už do Bratislavy naozaj len dogúľala...