We spent the first night in Iceland in Hveragerdi, in this beautiful surroundings, in that white house you see on the picture. It is right next to the golf course and it is really stunning. Next day we went for a walk to a geothermal area just around a corner. We hesitated a little, but at the end we jumped to one of these small pools (or better to say into the ditch), which are builded by the locals. Noone around, just this group on horses passed by. Lovely.
In the afternoon, we drove towards the old Parliament area, Pingvellir. We stopped several times to enjoy the views. This was when we first met with these attacking birds. Apparently they had a nest somewhere close, so they were bravely flying towards us lower and lower. We saw them across the whole country and they were never friendly...
Prvú noc na Islande sme strávili v Hveragerdi, v takomto nádhernom prostredí, v tom bielom dome co vidíte na obrázku. Susedí hneď s golfovým ihriskom a je to tam nádherné. Na druhý deň sme sa vybrali na prechádzku do geotermálnej oblasti hneď za rohom. Chvíľu sme sa síce zdráhali, ale nakoniec sme predsa len vhupli do jedného z malých bazénikov (lepšie povedané do jamy), ktoré si tam budujú domáci. Okolo nás ani duše, jedine táto konská výprava prešla okolo. Pohoda-lahoda.
Poobede sme vyrazili autom smerom k najstaršiemu Parlamentu, oblasti Pingvellir. Po ceste sme občas zastavili kochať sa prírodou a vtedy sme sa prvý-krát stretli aj s týmito útočiacimi vtákmi. Zjavne mali niekde nablízku hniezdo a tak sa odvážne do nás púšťali nižšie a nižšie. Stretávali sme ich po celom Islande a priatelskí neboli nikdy :-).
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