štvrtok 23. októbra 2014

The greatest mushroom picking ever!

This summer was not really summer full of sun and hot temperatures. But thanks to quite a lot of rain, it was the summer of mushrooms. I have never seen so many mushrooms in my life. And I have never experienced such a mushroom picking season. We were picking all kinds of edible mushrooms in every feet of the woods. We ended up with several bags of them and spent the rest of the day cutting them and finding trays and spaces to let them dry. The next day we limited ourselves to pick the one and only best mushroom around, summer boletus. We still ended with two more bags! And another evening spent with cutting! On the third day, we skipped the walk in the woods. We were not able to store any more mushrooms and it was impossible to go there without finding them and not taking them with us :-) .

Toto leto síce nebolo plné slnka a horúcich letných dní... ALE! Vďaka dažďu to bolo leto hubové. Nikdy v živote som nevidela toľko húb. A nikdy som nezažila takú hubársku sezónu!  Zbierali sme nekonečné množstvo jedlých húb na každom metri v lete. Vliekli sme niekoľko tašiek a zvyšok dňa sme trávili ich krájaním a hľadaním voľného miesta na sušenie. Druhý deň sme si povedali, že berieme už len dubáky, nič iné. A aj tak sme prišli s dvomi taškami. A zas sme celý večer len krájali a spracovávali. Na tretí deň sme jednoducho nešli do lesa. Nemali sme už kde dať viac húb a zas ak by sme ich našli, nedalo by nám to :-) .


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